session details
What a special time! There are no words to describe the love a parent feels for ​their newborn. They grow up so quickly. You will look back and long to remember their tiny toes and fingers, their little yawns, and the way their bodies seemed to mold so perfectly in your arms. I want to help you remember these special first moments! I am here to give you a beautiful and stress free experience.
When should I schedule a newborn session?
It is never too early to schedule your session as my calendar fills quickly. Newborn sessions should be scheduled 6-14 days after your baby's birth. I ask clients to email me as soon as baby arrives so we can schedule before 14 days. At this age they are still womb-like and sleepy so we can get those sweet curled-up poses and dreamy smiles! After this age, they don’t sleep as deeply. It is preferred to schedule the session no later than 2 weeks of age, however, there are always exceptions. The older your baby gets, the more awake and alert they will become during their session. If they are older I keep them wrapped nice and tight to keep them happy. No problem. Don't be upset if you have missed that time frame. Older babies are adorable to photograph. Those chunky rolls and cheeks are sweet but those open eye shots will melt hearts with loads of cuteness.
What happens if I deliver my baby earlier or later than expected?
No Worries! Babies don't always arrive on their due dates, which is part of the reason I only schedule a few newborns per week. This ensures availability on my calendar. That means that I sometimes end up with open spots and am always willing to try to squeeze someone in. I only book one session per day which allows for lots of time to relax and enjoy your shoot. If you have already had your newborn, don’t hesitate to contact me.
Where are newborn sessions done?
In the comforts of your home. I bring my studio to you. How wonderful is that?
Unlike chain studios, you don't need to worry about rushing or stressing over whether your baby will cry during your allotted 30 minutes! I take a very un-rushed and relaxed approach to newborn sessions. I understand how overwhelming these days can be. I offer a worry free session for clients.
What if my house doesn't have natural light?
No worries! I bring along a soft light that looks very natural and beautiful.
How long does the sessions last?
Newborn sessions are not your typical hour long sessions. Newborns have their own schedules so patience is key. Handling a fragile newborn requires special care and expertise. I take great care to ensure baby is secure, comfortable, and calm throughout the session. Newborn posing takes time and patience. A typical newborn session can take 2-3 hours, depending on the needs of baby. This allows me to gently pose them without disturbing them. We take breaks as needed to comfort baby with feedings, cuddling, and changing diapers. Please know that your baby is “in charge” on the day of his/her session. I go with their flow when posing. There will be overloads of cuteness as I gently pose your baby, but I don't make them do anything they don't like or compromise baby's well- being. Safety and comfort is my top priority. I have been photographing babies for over 14 years. All babies are different with their own little personalities so I will move on to the next pose if they don't like being posed a certain way. I am up to date on all my vaccines; covid, flu, and DTAP.
Do you provide the props?
Yes, I provide everything that is needed for the session and have a wide array of adorable props. I invest in delicately handmade items. Each session is carefully curated to align with your personal style and preferred color scheme. You will have access to a variety of outfits, headbands, wraps, bonnets, hats, and props. Newborns are beautifully perfect…just as they are. I believe in simple and sweet, organic portraiture, a style that focuses on your beautiful baby. This way, baby doesn’t get lost in the image.
Will you take pictures of my other children with my newborn? What about parent shots? Absolutely! Proud big brothers, sisters, and parents are always welcome to jump in for pictures with their newest addition. These emotive shots are usually my favorite. Wearing neutrals work best for portraits with your newborn.
What should I do to get ready for my session?
Give your baby a warm soothing bath (or a sponge bath if the umbilical cord is still attached)
If nursing please avoid spicy foods or any other foods that will upset baby’s tummy
A pacifier is not absolutely required but can be helpful for settling your baby into their poses and calming them.
Newborns sessions require patience
Please feed baby as I am arriving. Make sure baby is well fed. This will allow for me to pose and position baby without disturbing them from their sleep. We want them to be nice and sleepy.
Try not to stress. I know what a stressful time this can be , especially for new parents. No worries. I don't care if the house is a mess. I am here to get beautiful images of your sweet baby.
Timeless clothing for parents and siblings in neutral colors will be best for photographs
And last but not least, No worries, your baby may spit- up, poop or pee on my backdrops or wraps. This is normal and expected! I come prepared. I wash everything after each session.
How long have you been photographing newborns?
Newborn sessions have my heart. For the past 14 years I have photographed hundreds of babies. Your precious newborn is in the hands of an experienced professional newborn photographer, and their safety and comfort is of utmost importance. I have completed extensive safety training and proper posing techniques. Continued education is important to me and I am fully vaccinated and boosted.
Are you insured ?
Yes, I am licensed and insured to give you peace of mind.
How many images will I receive?
Collection 1 includes a digital download gallery with 15 images , Collection 2 includes a digital download gallery with 25 images, and Collection 3 includes a digital download gallery with all images.
How long will it take you to edit my images after the session?
My turn around time is currently 2 weeks, and if you like I can post a sneak on Facebook about 24-48 hours of your newborn session. I will email your gallery link of images to download.